Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Clean Workspaces

Designer, writer, photographer or anybody else, we all have our workspaces. We have just one question for you.

Creative Offices

Do you think people can dream up movies like Finding Nemo, Incredibles, Wall-E in regular office cubicles? No Chance!

We thought twice before filing this under Home Office Designs but decided to go ahead, because we believe if you are seeking inspiration before designing your home office, you should definitely take a look at these. This is how the Pros do it. It is not uncommon for corporate giants to woo their employees by giving them designer workplaces. Guessing by these images, who wouldn’t be enticed?

Quite honestly, none of us here would want to work at Google. With hammock workspaces, recliners (and relaxing aquariums to stare at while you are in them), massage parlours, personalised cabins, slide-downs between floors, we are pretty much sure of getting carried away and having ourselves fired!
 Three Rings Design
Three Rings Design opted for old world charm over the ultra-modern style. This office was designed by Because We Can.
 Red Bull
If your company produces an energy drink, your offices better show it.
TBWA is a global advertising company working with Apple and Adidas and they used Klein Dytham‘s services to convert an amusement complex to a rather amusing office.

Home Offices and Studios

Most of us have a personal space at home where we do work. Be it knitting or managing a company online, the way we organise this space often determines our efficiency at work. Here are some tips you could consider before designing your workspace.
1. It is important, to analyse your typical workday. How often will you work at home? What will your typical activity be? What time of the day will you be working? Is the space sufficient?
2. Think about external factors. Noise, Light, Temperature, Privacy, Ambience… Are they optimal?

3. Take note of ergonomics. Make sure you are sitting at the right distance from the computer. Use correct posture. It might be handy to get a good ergonomic chair.
4. Remember to create a barrier between work and family. One of the disadvantages people working from home often quote is that it is difficult to separate work from leisure. Sometimes, the temptation to take breaks can be overwhelming, or the reverse, you become so engrossed in work and spend more hours on it than you should. Remember to strike a balance.

Home Offices and Workplaces- Cleaner Workspace Increases Efficiency and Rduces Frustration

Nothing like images of neat, uncluttered and well organized home offices to inspire you to clean that room of yours! Studies reveal that a cleaner workspace increases efficiency and reduces frustration. Try it, you will love the change!

Craft Room & Home Studio Ideas

Craft rooms and home studios are usually busy places buzzing with activity. These are the home offices of creative people whose spaces often reveal so much about themselves. In this post we limit the images to those that feature rooms that are not too high tech. No cool computer setups, ergonomic workstations or geeky decor in them; just plain old school creative rooms!
